Birthdays are personal affairs!! It has been so especially when we were kids. After growing up to a certain level, we have realized that we need some kind of attention and birthdays were celebrated extensively with extended family and friends. This has become a habit ever since the experimental posting of birthday in social media came into picture. There was a point in my life where I was actually waiting to see how many have posted on my face book wall to wish me on my birthday. I used to immediately reply to that to "Increase the Impact". Then suddenly, experimentally, I removed the birthday date from my about info and that means that face book will not remind people to wish me. Bang! There you go, there was not a single post on my wall. So, to put it correctly, nobody really gives a shit about you. They just post a wish because others have posted and what "we will think", if they don't? Even I had some of our distant friends calling me at 10.00 PM to wish me, so that it does not go un-noticed.
Surprisingly, this year, the only person that seemed to be really excited about my birthday is my 10 year old princess. She made sure her father buys gift for me. Even she moved her friends and made them decorate the public area in the apartment to wish me on my birthday. I am not sure if anyone else remembered. Only my sister did and probably my aging mother did. Not even my very close friend circle remembered. So, this tells a tale! The Maya that we believe people care for us is probably a myth. We all are individual souls and probably, that is the best we can carry it.
This time I have also received wishes from un-expected quarters. That includes small kids (friends of my daughter), my students and some un-expected moms of my kids friends. So, basically my daughter has pulled it off quite well in absence of family members to fill in. I had a full, joyous day which was full of revelation. This makes me now believe that when there is a void created there are always many more people out there to come and fill it in...