Monday, June 7, 2010

Beauty lies in the eye of beholder

"Beauty lies in the eye of beholder" is a phrase that appeared first in 3rd century BC. Amazing!! Today I was sitting and thinking while looking at some of the community pictures - how do we perceive beauty?? Some appear as beautiful and some are not. How do we know if someone is externally beautiful? Is it because some appear visually soothing and the others are not? I am not sure... However, it is certainly worth conducting an experiment where kids are allowed to grow in places where there will be no mention of anything that is beautiful. In other words, there will be no reference to something as beautiful and ugly. And as they grow up, they should be asked to see a range of pictures and will be asked to say whether they think someone is beautiful or not. I am just so excited to see what will be the outcome. My perception will be, most of them will vary significantly on the definition of beauty. Why is it so? Because if I feel someone is beautiful, others necessarily should not feel the same way. So, truly beauty lies in the eye of beholder.. Now when we universalize beauty as something like tallness, slimness, fairness and a certain feature is not what we are born to perceive as beauty. My scientifically trained mind now instigates me to think something like:
when we see a number of cats, we make an impression in our brain about some features that makes a cat a cat. Similarly a dog a dog. So, if we are exposed to a number of data types that is labeled as beautiful, we make a pattern in our mind and anything remotely similar to that pattern is called as beautiful.. How true is this statement. Yet, a number of wars were fought in history for beauty. Its about time we wake up and stop making distinction on beauty..

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