Thursday, July 8, 2010

How I cured my Retroperitoneal fibrosis

In year 2005, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I did not have any endometriosis like symptoms though, but had to believe the doctor. In early 2004, I used to have some kind of strange sensation on my left side towards the back(Just near the kidneys). That feeling is hard to describe. When I used to stand for sometime, I used to feel very uncomfortable. Then I would sit and the feeling will go away. Soon, that feeling started occurring more frequently even while I was sitting. I was feeling awful and my quality of life was dwindling rapidly. Having some kind of cancer history in my family, I got even more scared. Slowly, I got scared to walk for some distance because this feeling was grappling me. I could not run and my life was kind jeopardized.

So, when I was diagnosed with endometriosis with an elevated CA125(tumor marker for ovarian cancer), I thought it may be cancer. But, the doctor said it could be retro-peritoneal fibrosis - benign condition but progressively it gets worse. Doctor suggested surgery for my endometriosis as well as for retroperitoneal fibrosis. I had one surgery(laproscopic procedure) to remove my endometriosis implants using ablation. But, the first doctor said, it was too extensive and he could not remove anything. He referred me to an oncologist and suggested I undergo an open surgery to remove the endo as well as the adhesion. It was a pretty scared thought.. I did not know what to do. Out of desperation, I started doctor shopping and finally went to the CEC where doctors promised me they will do a laproscopic excision surgery of my endometriosis and will also dissect the fibrosis. I was quite comforted at that thought that my fibrosis and discomfort is going to go away. So, I agreed to pay out of my pocket for the surgery(The doctors at the CEC were not participating in any insurance policy). Soar after the surgery I did not feel anything regarding my fibrosis. this may be because I was under medication. But lo and behold, in just 3-4 days I started having the same awful sensation that concerned with my fibrosis. I was very sad. Then I moved to CA, worked from home, had whole lot of time for my health and started reading a number of literatures. Soon, I got interested in yoga. Initially, it was hard, but I read somewhere yoga helps cure internal adhesion.. I started with the most difficult pose, that is the headstand. Initially, it was tough. I needed help. I would ask my husband to lift my legs while I get supported by the wall. Slowly, he would draw me at the wall and leave. I would balance. Soon, I could do it myself(with little bit of practice). After doing headstand for about 2 weeks, I slowly forgot that I used to have some kind of awful sensation due to fibrosis. May be after a month or so of doing headstand, one day I sat and thought wow, I don't have that awful sensation any more. Initially, I thought it may be short living. But, as time passed by, I never saw it coming back. Now after 4 complete years of regular yoga, I have completely forgotten how that feeling was. I am so relieved now and so thankful for yoga..


Health Care said...

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Ud said...

Is it true?