Thursday, March 1, 2012

God Bless!

You open a face book page and see someone is sharing a good news followed by a stream of comments having a common message "God Bless" in the end. I was beginning to wonder where that is coming from? I see a pattern there. Almost everyone who is god loving (read god fearing) writes this message. I am not sure how many of us really love god. Can you love someone without seeing? Are we as humans that appreciative that we tend to love someone who we believe to be the creator of this universe? Nah it is hard to believe. We at some corner of our hearts are afraid that if we don't pretend to love god then god will be mad at us and bad things will happen to us. How silly!! Whom we call the superpower and omnipresent/omnipotent, is so childish that if you don't pretend to love him will curse you? If by nature we are so appreciative, then we would appreciate each and everything that is happening around us and each and every individual that touches our lives in some ways. But we are not. We are very critical of people, situations at the same time we pretend to love god. This I feel is the height of hypocrasy we should try and come out of it.

Then the next thing is why do we say "God Bless". Are we ordering god to bless that person of choice or we are thinking that person needs extra blessing from god? Well, I don't know or think many people give a thought while putting this two letter monologue into their conversations. The Atheists are materially more successful people around if you make a survey. Sure you need a sense of god when you feel helpless or need strength. But I think the people who take responsibilities of their own actions are more confident and stronger people and emerge successful. On the other hand the people who are god loving (god fearing), most often look at god for help in many petty things. When good happens surprisingly they don't think it was god who did it for them, rather they think it is them who did it themselves. I think deep down somewhere is exonerates  such people from taking the responsibilities of their own actions. So, it is about time we revise our feelings towards god and say what we really mean not something because everybody says....

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